National Council of EEOC Locals,No. 216Survey for Employees: Interfacing with the National Call Center (NCC)
2. EEOC Office Location (city/state):
3. I am an -- ISA OAA Attorney Paralegal Mediator AJ Investigator Other
4. Grade -- 5 7 9 11 12 13 14 Other
5. Since the implementation of the NCC, has the number of calls you need to return:
-- Increased Decreased Stayed the same
6. Please describe what happened when you spoke to a caller who was referred to you by the NCC:
Approximate date of contact with caller (mm/dd/yy):
What was the subject of your call (Check all that apply - Hold down the control key and then click with mouse to select more than one answer.):
a. Caller was seeking general information regarding location, hours, or making an appointment. b. Caller wanted to file a charge of discrimination. c. Caller had a complex question that the NCC forwarded to EEOC for resolution. d. Caller wanted to find out the status of a pending charge. e. Caller wanted to resolve a problem with a pending charge. f. Other
7. Describe the quality of information that you received from the NCC about the caller, including information contained in E-assessment questionnaires:
-- I was given information from the NCC that has proven to be accurate. I was given information that I do not know yet whether it was accurate. I was not given any useful information or assistance.
8. Describe the time savings, if any, that resulted from the caller initially contacting the NCC:
-- It saved me time that the caller initially contacted the NCC I don’t know whether it saved me time that the caller initially contacted the NCC. The call took the same amount of time that it would have taken if the caller had not initially called the call center. The call took more time time then it would have taken if the caller had not initially contacted the call center.
9. Describe the quality of information that the caller received from the NCC:
-- The caller was given information from the NCC that has proven to be accurate. The caller was given information that I do not know yet whether it was accurate. The caller was not given any useful information or assistance.
10. Describe the caller’s experience with the NCC:
-- The caller had a good experience with the NCC. The caller did not mention his/her experience with the NCC. The caller expressed frustration regarding his/her experience with the NCC.
11. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = lowest; 5 = highest) please rate the performance of the NCC:
-- 1 2 3 4 5
12. Comments/Details on your experience with the NCC:
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