National Council of EEOC Locals, No. 216 Survey for Employees: Interfacing with the National Call Center (NCC)
July, 2007
1. Name: 2. Location: 2 - Albuquerque11 - Atlanta
2 - Cincinnati
11 - Dallas
7 - Denver
2 - Detroit
8 - El Paso
6 - Houston
2 - HQ
3 - Little Rock
4 - Los Angeles
4 - Memphis
12 - Miami
2 - Milwaukee
3 - Nashville
1 - Norfolk
1 - Oakland
1 - Oklahoma City
2 - Philadelphia
2 - Richmond
2 - San Antonio
6 - San Francisco
2 - San Diego
1 - Savannah
1 - St. Louis
2 - Washington DC
3. I am an: 7 - ISA
4 - OAA
2 - Attorney
0 - Paralegal 2 - Mediator
6 - AJ
70 - Investigator
0 - Other 9 - No Response
4. Grade: 8 - 5
12 - 7
1 - 9
1 - 11
63 - 12
6 - 13
5 - 14
1 - Other
3 - No Response
5. Since the implementation of the NCC, has the number of calls you need to return, including following up on intake questionnaires and EAS forms: 50 - Increased
21 - Decreased
21 - Stayed the same
6 - No Response
6. Since the implementation of the NCC, has your intake mail, including intake questionnaires and EAS forms: 79 - Increased
1 - Decreased
10 - Stayed the same
10 - No Response
7. Estimate the percentage: Decreased 1 -100
1 -90
1 -70
1 -60
0 -50 3 -40
0 -30 0 -20 0 -10 Increased 6 +10
4 +20
5 +30
9 +40
13 +50
5 +60
8 +70
9 +80
3 +90
15 +100
16 No Response
8. Based on the intake questionnaires that you receive, do you believe that the NCC: a. Is adequately explaining the intake questionnaires to callers? 14 - Yes
79 - No
6 - No Response
b. Is adequately explaining basic filing requirements to callers? 13 - Yes
80 - No
7 - No Response
c. Is adequately explaining the charge filing process? 11 - Yes
82 - No
7 - No Response
9. Based on the intake questionnaires that you receive, overall, are potential charging parties: a. Providing adequate information relevant to their claims? 16 - Yes
76 - No
8 - No Response
b. Providing information not relevant to their claims? 69 - Yes
21 - No
10 - No Response
c. Checking bases not relevant to their claims? 75 - Yes
17 - No
8 - No Response
10. If you have a problem or concern about the NCC/NCC Intake Questionnaires/EAS/Email from the call center, do you know who to contact? 18 - Yes
76 - No
6 - No Response
11. When you speak to callers referred by the NCC or callers whose intake questionnaires were assigned to you, what has been the subject of the calls? (Check all that apply): 38 - a. Caller was seeking general information regarding location, hours, or making an appointment.
74 - b. Caller wanted to file a charge of discrimination.
47 - c. Caller had a complex question that the NCC forwarded to EEOC for resolution.
69 - d. Caller wanted to find out the status of a pending charge.
46 - e. Caller wanted to resolve a problem with a pending charge.
36 - f. Other
12. Does the NCC make the charge filing process more efficient? 5 - Yes
87 - No
8 - No Response
13. Does the NCC improve customer service? 15 - Yes
77 - No
8 - No Response
14. Describe any time savings that has resulted from callers initially contacting the NCC: 9 - It saved me time that the caller initially contacted the NCC.
17 - I don't know whether it saved me time that the caller initially contacted the NCC.
26 - The call took the same amount of time that it would have taken if the caller had not initially called the call center.
39 - The call took more time than it would have taken if the caller had not initially contacted the call center.
1 - No Response
15. If callers have described the information they received from the NCC, how would you categorize the majority: 8 - The caller was given information from the NCC that has proven to be accurate.
50 - The caller was given information that I do not know yet whether it was accurate.
31 - The caller was not given any useful information or assistance.
11 - No Response
16. Describe the comments callers have related to you regarding their experience with the NCC and/or the NCC intake questionnaire: (Check all that apply): 4 - a. Callers are pleased with the assistance/useful information they receive from the NCC.
27 - b. Callers complain about the assistance/lack of useful information they receive from NCC.
16 - c. Callers complain of length of time it takes to speak to a 'live' person at NCC.
19 - d. Callers complain of number of calls it takes to NCC to speak to a 'live person'.
68 - e. Callers complain about repeating their claims to you after already speaking to NCC.
19 - f. Callers complain about length, complexity, or time it took to complete questionnaire.
36 - g. Callers don't mention their experience with the NCC or the questionnaire.
17. Since the implementation of the NCC, how much more time, if any, do you have to focus on your substantive job responsibilities? 2 - I have much more additional time.
4 - I have a moderate amount of additional time.
9 - I have a little additional time.
25 - I have no additional time.
42 - I have less time.
11 - I have not noticed a difference in the time I have.
7 - No Response
18. Do you think that the public should be able to contact their local EEOC office directly? 93 - Yes
3 - No
4 - No Response
19. Comments/Details on your experience with the NCC and/or the NCC questionaire: 20. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate the performance of the NCC: Lowest 45 - 1
31 - 2
10 - 3
4 - 4
1 - 5
Highest 9 - No Response